Pro business center

Legal from

Individual company

The entrepreneur and the company are one and the same person.

Business natureMinimum capitalNB associatesDirection
Individual business No concept of “social capital”-Individual entrepreneur

Companies of several people

Companies bringing together partners who know and trust each other.

 The share of the partner is only transferable with the consent of all the other partners.

Business natureMinimum capitalNB associatesDirection
Company with limited liability (SARL)Company with limited liability (SARL) 2 or more people without exceeding 50Associate(s) or non-associate manager (s)
Sole proprietorship with limited liability (SUARL)1 000 DinarsA single person (physical or moral person)Associate(s) or non-associate manager (s)
Company with a limited partnership (SCS) No capitalThe liability of general partners is limitedManager physical person
minimum The liability of the limited partners is limited to the amount of the contributions when they do not participate in the management of the company.Manager physical person

Capital companies

Each partner is only bound within the limit of his contribution
The share he receives is, in principle, freely negotiable.

Business nature Minimum capitalNB associatesDirection
Anonymous company (SA) 5 000 Dinars At least 7 partnersAdministration board or executive and administrative board
Partnership Limited by shares ( SCA)5 000 DinarsOne or more limited partners and general partners physical or moral personManager (s) among the general partners and a supervisory board